Copyright of Priyadi & Co. Legal Consultant 2014.
Siswohadi is a graduate of the University of Parahyangan, Bandung. In pursuing his professional career at Nusantara Bonded Zone, one of the Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises, allowed him to occupy senior position as Head of the Legal Department. Other senior positions held include that as representative of local government of DKI who holds certain equity stake at Nusantara Bonded Zone, and as Legal Manager at
PT (Persero) Pusat Perkayuan Marunda. In his capacities, he has been able to develop his expertise in corporate and commercial matters, employment and manpower matters, forestry, property and land issues.
Priyadi & Co Associates came from various reputable universities whom posses extensive legal knowledge with a lot of experiences to dedicate themselves in providing qualified result of services to our clients.
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